Earth Friendly Running

The regular Readers know by now that I am fairly earth-friendly kind of guy. I recycle what I can and do go out of my way to do so. And if you didn’t know that until now, class just ended.

Blaine of Run to Win, posted an article recently about The Environmental Impact of Running, which higlighted some of the ways that runners impact the ecosystem in a negative way but with constructive suggestions on how minimize our impact (as small as it might be).

I think for the most part that I do most of the things that are suggested, well, except for the carpooling thing. However, I do most of my runs at work, so I don’t actually drive to somewhere to run very often.

One thing that I think about, almost fantasize about, is quitting my job (okay, I fantasize about that alot!) to start something where I clean up a section of area that I see needs work. Yeah, I know this sounds just like Adopt a Highway… but sometimes I don’t run on highways and seeing a HUGE pile of debris at Tyson Park saddens me.

About planet3rry

Marathoner, A Terry of all trades
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0 Responses to Earth Friendly Running

  1. Marianna says:

    Texas has this HUGE “Don’t Mess with Texas” campaign for no littering, yet I saw more trash on Texas highways & streets than I have here. I’m very impressed with how clean this city is.


  2. Susan says:

    Good article! I, too, rarely drive to run somewhere (for training) — only track workouts require that, generally.

    Strangely, I only usually see roadkill on the roads when I am out… ick…

    I enjoyed the article. Keep ’em coming!

  3. DPeach says:

    I do all my training runs from home and only drive to run when I am racing.

    Trash? I have not run on a street without piles of trash.

    I always save my water baggies (we don’t do cups here in my city) until the next water station. Then I toss it down right beside the workers. I only hope that they clean up the trash that is near them. Towards the end of the race I will stick the bags in my pocket and throw them away after the race is over.

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