Monthly Running Recap: May 2012 Edition

I wonder when the last time that I actually posted a monthly recap. Given the fact that my Race Reports are either none existent (i.e. 2012 Prediction Run, Calhoun’s 10 miler, Strawplains Half Marathon, Whitestone 30k and Expo 10k) or they take forever to post (i.e Georgia Marathon and Knoxville Marathon), I would venture to guess somewhere back in early 2009.

Ha. You see? So what are you going to do?

“It doesn’t matter. It’s in the past.”

But there is no need to worry about the past. So let’s see what the descriptive statistics say about the month of May in 2012:

Total Mileage: 37.2 miles over 9 running excursions (average month of May from 1999-2011 is 26.6 miles)
Mileage Year to Date: 325.43

Types of Runs:
4 – EASY 8:41 min/mile Average pace
4 – TEMPO 8:32 min/mile Average pace
1 – RACE (Expo 10k – 8:28 min/mile Average Pace)

Fastest May Mile Split: 7:21
Fastest Split Interval: 1:12 (Last 0.2 of Expo 10k equivalent to 6:00 min/mile pace)

I’m anticipating June and July to be about the same mileage. Fall Marathon Training starts in August and to battle the heat in June and July, I’ll do more speed work. That’ll be more sessions, but shorter. I don’t have any planned Races in June and July, but you never know.

About planet3rry

Marathoner, A Terry of all trades
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2 Responses to Monthly Running Recap: May 2012 Edition

  1. Amazing how our interests can vary…

    Easy, he says, “8:41 min/mile Average Pace” Ah to be able to do that!

    Congrats, friend, congrats!

  2. terry says:

    That is true Charlie, speed is much more relative than any estranged uncle. And there are some that my “Easy” pace feels like walking.

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